Located in Castle Hill, Sydney, our commitment is unwavering in delivering the highest quality dental care for you

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The Dentist- Michael Kim

Mike Kim

While practicing dentistry for over more than 25 years I assumed it was normal that patients would come to you with broken fillings and toothaches…


What Our Patients Say

Patient Records

At Castle Hill Family Dental Practice, we adhere to rigorous procedures to uphold thorough dental records for our patients. These records include documentation of the present illness history, clinical examinations, diagnosis, administered treatments, and prognosis. A comprehensive grasp of these dental records is essential to maintain the accuracy of your treatment with us.

We are meticulous in managing and reminding all our patients of their upcoming check-ups and appointments in advance, either through emails or messages, based on your preference. Additionally, we ensure that all arrangements are in place before your appointment, enhancing the efficiency and timeliness of your treatment.